Inquiry-based Learning: Making Podcasts
A central theme of my teaching is my inclination in the learning theory of constructivism. Perhaps this interest stems from my undergraduate alma mater, San Francisco State University, in the phrase that resides below the crest, which is in Latin: experientia docet or experience teaches. When I consider a classroom practice through a framework of critical constructivism, aligning elements of constructivism and critical theory, I can facilitate learning experiences that teacher and student co-construct meaning and knowledge, in the learning space attentive to students’ unique needs, drawing on a curiosity that has cultural and personal value in their lives.
In my course Music Technology for Music Educators at California State University, Eastbay as part of a weekly reading assignments, students will share 1-2 questions they have about the concepts and material. For this podcast activity, I curate their responses and post them in this padlet.
Create a podcast in Soundtrap
You can either use: a) Soundtrap, b) Zoom for more of a conversational style (upload this to Soundtrap to add the intro/outro music and transition effect)
Podcast Deliverables
- Use at least 2 questions (2 answers for a total of 4 responses) from the padlet organized around a theme you and partner collaborate on. You may choose 1 or both from the list OR 1 from the list and 1 of your own.
- Podcast needs to be a minimum of 5 min (max 10min)
- Include Intro & outro music
- 1 sound effect transition
Post and Share
- Download your project as a MP3
- Upload podcast to your SoundCloud account
- Share the podcast (embed the player) as a blog post on your website
The podcast becomes a vehicle that students can use in order to address theirs and classmates questions from the reading(s). The discussion that stems from their questions generates discussion that serves as a second/third layer that helps synthesize the reading material with their classmates. Some students chose to create a podcast as their course project that emerge from questions and topics from the course related to teaching and learning with technology in a music classroom.